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Fresh Mushrooms on Hand

After a little bit of a delay we have a new flush of mushrooms ready to go. We currently have about 12 lbs of our King Blue Oyster mushroom in and ready for purchase. We will have and additional 8-10 lbs of Grey Oyster available later today as well. Some Golden Oyster and Pathfinders are on the horizon as well. Please call us or send a message to place your order.

Our growth will be a little varied for the next several weeks as we are working into a new larger production environment within our facility. Once this project is completed we should be able to scale up from about 30 to 40 lbs. per week to about 200-250 lbs. of fresh mushrooms per week. We are shooting to have this project finished right after the first of the year. Until then we appreciate the ongoing support from our customers and look forward to our expansion.

Let us know what mushrooms we can get packaged up for you.

Bill and Cindy

1883 Foods.

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